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Welcome to False Bay

False Bay is situated within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site. The Park is made up of a number of conservation areas, the oldest of which is the St Lucia Game Park, proclaimed in 1895. This area consists of the water body of the lake and the islands. A half mile wide boundary was added in 1939, known as St Lucia Park.


The iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa’s first world heritage site, recognized for its superlative natural beauty, ecological processes and biodiversity covers 332 000 ha and includes a coastline of 230 km. This small area bounding the False Bay of the lake is one of the oldest areas geologically. The area is well known for its fossil marine animals and corals as well as its diverse ecosystems and is only three kilometres wide but contains habitats of sand forest, thornveld and savannah.


  • This area is renowned for an abundant game population and a fascinating variety of bird life. It’s many attractions includes fishing, boating, game viewing, bird watching, photography and hiking. There are also many delightful picnic sites along the shoreline.

Mpophomeni Trail

This trail in the northern part of False Bay Park is divided into two routes. The longer section, about 10 km, takes about 4½ hours to complete, while the shorter one, about 7 km, takes about 3½ hours. Either is a pleasant family walk, particularly as the terrain is not difficult to negotiate and there is a delightful picnic site along the way.

Ingwe Trail

This trail is the shortest in the park and takes 1½ - 2 hours to complete. It is an easy walk and finishes along the shores of False Bay, leading to the camp office.

For further information call in at the camp office.

Useful Info

  • No pets are permitted.
  • Littering is an offence.
  • It is an offence to pick or destroy any plant or to disturb or kill any wild animal or to remove, deface or destroy any geological matter.
  • Action will be taken against any person found wilfully damaging Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife property.
  • No firewood may be collected in the reserve and campfires and camping in unauthorised areas is forbidden. Charcoal and wood can be purchased at the curio shop.
  • Visitors are forbidden to feed any wild animal especially monkeys. Feeding wild animals results in the loss of their natural wariness of humans. They soon learn to take any food they can find and become bold, aggressive and dangerous, and inevitably have to be destroyed. For your safety and theirs, ensure that your tent or caravan is securely closed and that all food or edible refuse is kept out of sight.
  • Due to the danger of crocodiles, no swimming or wading is allowed in the lake.
  • The speed limit throughout the reserve is 20 - 40 km/h as signs stipulate. This limit is enforced for the safety of visitors.
  • Watch out for children. The speed limit on the water is 25 km/h.
  • No engine-driven electric power units may be operated within the campsites.
  • All boats using the lake and estuary must be motor driven and have minimum size requirements - length of 3,6 m; beam of 1,2 m and freeboard of 45 cm.
  • No boats are allowed east of the poles between Fani’s Island and Nibela Peninsula.
  • All boats which visitors use in the lake, must be registered with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife before being launched.
  • No netting by members of the public is allowed on the lake or estuary.
  • The bag limit is 10 fish (irrespective of species) per person per day in the estuary and lake, provided that only 5 fish in total of the following species form part of the overall bag limit: grunter, perch, kob and shad. The size and bag limits for each species are available on request.
  • Fishing and bait collecting permits can only be purchased from your local Post Office.
  • Visitors are reminded to take anti-malaria precautions.
  • Gate Times

Summer (1 November - 31 March) 05:00 - 19:00
Winter (1 April – 31 October) 06:00 - 18:00


+27 (0) 35 562 0425


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