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Welcome to Mount Currie

The reserve is 240 km from Pietermaritzburg, using the route via Bulwer, Underberg, Swartberg and Franklin.


The reserve is 240 km from Pietermaritzburg, using the route via Bulwer, Underberg, Swartberg and Franklin. There are alternative routes: either via Richmond, Ixopo and uMzimkulu, (190 km); or from Durban, using the South coast road, turning off at Port Shepstone for Harding/Kokstad.


  • The reserve boasts having a bird list with over 220 recorded species. For the ‘twichers’, flufftails are common in the vlei and bearded vultures are regularly seen when climbing Mt. Currie.
  • Wildlife to be seen in the reserve is diversified, with blesbok and common reedbuck being very common. Other antelope include oribi, grey duiker, mountain reedbuck and grey rhebuck.
  • Many delightful walks and climbs may be undertaken. Old cattle tracks and paths can be used by hikers.
  • Crystal Dam, a popular venue for fishermen, is stocked with largemouth bass and bluegill. A daily angling permit is required and is available from the checkpoint office at the entrance gate.
  • Water sports are popular during the summer months. Picnicking is popular and picnic sites are to be found near the dam. Because of the hazard of veld fires the making of fires is prohibited, except in designated areas.

Boy Scout Monument

  • There is also a monument in the reserve to ex Boy Scouts who fell in action in East Africa. Access to this monument is gained by driving 4,5 kilometres beyond the Adam Kok Memorial. Access by road is via the Adam Kok Memorial gate. Arrangements first need to be made at the checkpoint office before entering the reserve at this entrance.

Useful Info

  • No pets of any kind are allowed into the reserve.
  • Fire in the reserve is a hazard which has constantly to be guarded against as it can do untold harm. No fires may be lit other than in the camping and picnic site areas and visitors are requested to be particularly careful not to discard cigarette ends.
  • Vehicle and scrambler motorbikes are only allowed on the main roads in the day visitor area of the reserve. It is an offence to drive off the main roads within the reserve. No motorbikes or quad bikes are permitted in the Adam Kok Memorial gate part of the reserve.
  • A speed limit of 40 km/h is in force unless lower speeds are indicated.
  • Littering is an offence.
  • It is an offence to disturb, injure or kill any animal (including birds, their nests, insects, reptiles, etc), to pick or disturb any plant or to disfigure or remove any rock or archaeological material.
  • Boating is allowed on Crystal Dam, the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife boat permit must be displayed on all water craft. These are available for purchase at the checkpoint office.
  • Alcohol abuse by boat users is an offence.
  • Visitors are advised to bring torches and insect repellent.
  • No music allowed to be played in the reserve.
  • The gates open at 06:00 and close 18:00 daily.


060 768 2144


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