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Welcome to Ndumo

Ndumo Game Reserve is situated in Maputaland near Tembe Elephant Park on the Mozambique border. The Usuthu River forms its northern boundary and the Pongola River flows through the reserve to its confluence with the Usuthu River


Ndumo Game Reserve is situated in Maputaland near Tembe Elephant Park on the Mozambique border. The Usuthu River forms its northern boundary and the Pongola River flows through the reserve to its confluence with the Usuthu River. The reserve is 10 117 ha in extent. Ndumo is perhaps best known for its magnificent bird life with the highest bird count in South Africa, some 430 species. Ndumo has many beautiful pans set about with yellow fever trees and extensive wetlands and reedbeds as well as acacia savannah and sand forest.



  • The bird life in the reserve is prolific and many tropical East African forms are found here at the southern limit of their range.
  • There is also a wealth of aquatic bird life on the many pans within the reserve. Noteworthy examples of the birds to be seen here are black egret, pygmy geese, white-faced ducks, crested guinea fowl, jacanas and pel’s fishing owls.
  • Fish eagles are ubiquitous and their call accompanies visitors on their game and bird viewing drives.

Game Viewing

  • Species such as hippo, crocodile, nyala, bushbuck, impala, grey duiker, red duiker, black and white rhino, giraffe and suni can be seen. If you are lucky, you may also see buffalo.
  • These are confined mainly to the swampy flood plain areas. The large population of crocodiles is a particular feature of this reserve and the area is one of unusual interest to entomologists.
  • Visitors may drive through certain areas of the reserve in their own vehicles.

Guided Game Drives

  • Depending on the demand, morning and afternoon tours are conducted.
  • Arrangements can be made at the reception office.

Guided Walks

  • For the more energetic, day walks in the reserve may be taken in the company of a guide.
  • Arrangements to participate in these walks should be made at the reception office the day before the intended walk.

Useful Info

  • Visitors taking up reservations must check in at the reception office by 15:30 on the day of arrival.
  • Reception office hours are 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00 daily. On arrival all visitors, whether day or overnighting, must check in to the reception office where an entrance fee is levied.
  • No provisions of any kind can be purchased in the reserve, but basic foods, petrol and oil are obtainable from a store 2 km from the entrance to the game reserve.
  • Visitor must provide their own food and beverages.
  • Due to the distance involved, visitors wishing to stay overnight in the reserve are advised to obtain confirmed reservations for accommodation, as the nearest hotel is at Mkuze 110 km away.
  • Beers, wine, ice cream and cold drinks are on sale in the curio shop.
  • Ndumo falls within the endemic malaria area and visitors are urged to take the necessary precautions.
  • Bilharzia is present in the area.
  • The speed limit throughout the reserve is 40 km/h.
  • Pets are not permitted within the reserve.
  • Littering is an offence and offenders will be prosecuted.
  • It is an offence to pick or damage any plant or to disturb or kill any animal.
  • Portable radios should be played with great discretion. Please consider fellow guests.
  • For your own safety, you are requested not to proceed along roads where “No Entry” signs have been erected.
  • You may leave your vehicle in the precincts of the resort, at game viewing hides, designated picnic areas, or in the event of mechanical breakdown.
  • The lighting of fires is only permitted in designated fireplaces. Please also extinguish cigarettes properly and place them in the proper receptacles. Do not throw them out of windows.
  • Firearms must be declared on arrival.


+27 (0) 35 591 0058


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